Preserving & promoting local history

SLOCAS is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich history of San Luis Obispo County through our research, events, and publications.


At SLOCAS, we are dedicated to preserving our local history through educational events, archaeological preservation efforts, and community engagement. Join us in exploring the rich heritage of San Luis Obispo County and discover the stories that shaped our community.

  • We are committed to preserving archaeological sites and artifacts for future generations.

  • Attend our educational events and learn about the fascinating history of San Luis Obispo.

  • Our publications encompass a diverse collection of scholarly research, intriguing articles, and captivating narratives.

Our mission

The San Luis Obispo Archaeological Society is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation, research, and education of the rich archaeological heritage in the San Luis Obispo region. Our mission is to promote an understanding and appreciation of the area's past through the study of its archaeological sites, artifacts, and cultural traditions.

Incorporated in 1971, our society brings together archaeologists, Tribal partners, students, professionals, and enthusiasts who share a passion for uncovering important information about the past. As an organization, we strive to expand our knowledge of the region's history and preserve our findings for future generations.

Our members actively participate in research projects, public outreach events, and lectures to engage the public in the fascinating history of the community of San Luis Obispo. It is our mission to accommodate educational and archival interest for the betterment of our long and diverse history upon which our current community is based.